My current project for the 2025 Pirate Software Game Jam.

It doesn't look like I'm going to finish as much as I'd like to, but I tried to go for an all around experience. Unfortunately the gameplay suffered a bit because of that, but I learned a lot, and I had fun.


WSADNumpad 4Numpad 5E


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I couldn't get through the main menu either. What's the button to select start game?


I also don't have a numpad on this keyboard :( so I can't play the game even if I could start it

I'm sorry, I should habe though of that while making it. That's just the control scheme I've always used. i don't think I can change it either, but thanks for trying.


Hi there! I tried to play your game but could not get through the main menu. What are the controls exactly?

Was lured in because of the awesome art! Very curious what the gameplay would be like

oh dear, I guess I forgot to put the controls on here, I put that in the Game Design Document. They are WSAD for movement, E for Pause, Numpad 4 for action/shoot, and numpad 5 for jumping.